CFA Level II Formula Sheet: Your Ultimate Guide


As a candidate preparing for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level II exam, you’re already aware of the rigorous challenges that lie ahead. The Level II exam demands a deep understanding of complex financial concepts and the ability to apply them effectively. One indispensable tool that can significantly aid your preparation is the CFA Level II formula sheet. In this guide, we’ll delve into the importance of the formula sheet and provide you with strategies to make the most of this valuable resource.

The Role of the Formula Sheet

The formula sheet is like a compass that guides you through the maze of Level II exam questions. It’s a concise compilation of essential formulas, equations, and key concepts that you’re expected to master. While memorization isn’t the primary goal of the CFA exams, having these formulas at your fingertips can save precious time during the exam and help you focus on the application of knowledge.

Creating Your Formula Sheet

  1. Personalization: The formula sheet should be a reflection of your own learning journey. As you study, jot down formulas that you find challenging or particularly important. This process of creating a personalized formula sheet can enhance your understanding and retention of the material.
  2. Categorization: Organize the formulas by topic. Grouping related formulas together can help you quickly locate the ones you need during the exam. Common categories include Ethics, Quantitative Methods, Economics, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Corporate Finance, Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Alternative Investments, Portfolio Management, and more.
  3. Conciseness: The key to an effective formula sheet is conciseness. Try to distill each formula to its essence. Exclude unnecessary details or explanations and focus solely on the variables, constants, and relationships.

Using Your Formula Sheet

  1. Regular Review: Integrate your formula sheet into your study routine. Regularly review the formulas to reinforce your memory and understanding. This consistent exposure will gradually transform the formula sheet into a valuable mental resource.
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice: Don’t just memorize formulas; understand their underlying concepts and practice applying them. The formula sheet is a reference, not a replacement for true comprehension. Use practice questions and mock exams to simulate real exam scenarios.
  3. Flashcards: Convert your formula sheet into flashcards. On one side, write the formula, and on the other, jot down the variables and a brief description of its use. This method aids active recall and strengthens your memory retention.
  4. Problem-Solution Pairs: Instead of just memorizing the formulas, pair each formula with a specific problem or scenario that it addresses. This helps you grasp the practical application of each formula, which is crucial for success in the exam.

Exam Day and Beyond

  1. Familiarity: By exam day, your formula sheet should be so familiar that you can locate any formula within seconds. This familiarity will significantly reduce stress and anxiety during the exam.
  2. Time Management: The time pressure during the Level II exam is considerable. Your formula sheet can save valuable minutes by helping you avoid mental blocks when faced with complex calculations.
  3. Last-Minute Review: In the days leading up to the exam, focus on reviewing your formula sheet along with other key materials. This final reinforcement can boost your confidence and provide a mental map of the knowledge you’ve acquired.


The CFA Level II formula sheet is not just a crutch for memory; it’s a strategic tool that can streamline your exam preparation and enhance your performance. As you create, review, and utilize your personalized formula sheet, remember that understanding the underlying concepts and practicing their application are paramount. The exam is not just about recalling formulas; it’s about demonstrating your ability to navigate complex financial scenarios with confidence and precision. With your well-prepared formula sheet in hand, you’re one step closer to conquering the Level II exam and progressing toward the coveted CFA charter.

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